Docent led Tour - Visit Ilan-Lael - James Hubbell's Art Studios - SOLD OUT

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Update: SOLD OUT

Visit James and Anne Hubbell’s acclaimed home and art studios near Julian, CA. An engaging art and nature experience, our intimate docent-led tour covers the art and architecture of founder and artist James Hubbell amidst the surrounding unspoiled natural beauty of the Santa Ysabel landscape. Be inspired as nature and art truly dance together as one.

Registration is required by Ilan-Lael. Space is limited. Register at

with password AOJ2024

The City of San Diego and the San Diego Public Library are sharing this docent-tour opportunity for informational purposes only.  The City of San Diego and San Diego Public Library are not affiliated with, or otherwise involved in, providing this opportunity and are not responsible in any way.  Any questions should be directed to

Driving and parking directions will be emailed upon registration confirmation. Please review Ilan-Lael terms and conditions before registering. 



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