Writing Workshop - Season's Greetings

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Event Details

The Holiday Season is a great time to make your loved ones smile! And, one sure way to make that happen is to write a personalized letter or a note to send along with your greeting card and/or holiday gift.

A personalized note makes your greetings special; it touches the heart. It underlines that you care. Unlike phone greetings, it can be kept and reread. It makes the day of people you love and care about as well as your own!

Please join the letter writing workshop and write your letter with a personal touch to your mom, dad, sibling, children, teacher, friend, boss, coworker, babysitter, professional associate, physician, personal trainer, anyone you care about… you name it. We at www.writerightassistant.com  want to help you write your greetings with your personal touch. 

See you at the seminar! Let us together make the holidays and the new year happy and joyous. 

For all ages!



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