Conscious Creative Conversations w/Nai Na Txene

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Description of Event

{This description is from our event invite} Ahooo Amazing Co-Creators! We are excited to be sharing an inspirational, influential and insightful gatherings through conscious and creative conversations! Through compassionate coaching with no judgments, we will help each other help you become more of a deliberate creator of your desired reality! Each of you will have the opportunity to share yourself and receive spontaneous coaching. During your shares, you may express whatever challenges, desires and intentions you have. You may be as general as you want or specific in your shares. Anyone that participates will share with no exceptions. We are here to express our hearts verbally in a safe and supportive sacred space. The coaching being offered will be heart-centered and compassionate. Although, that does not mean you will not be challenged. Meaning, we will help you become aware of certain thoughts, patterns, definitions, perspectives and beliefs you may have that is preventing (limiting) your desires. After your awareness, we will than offer 'eye opening' and 'mind expanding' perspectives to redefine your current situation (if you choose to do so) in a more positive, loving and appreciative way. We wish to invite those that know, believe, or starting to believe (at the very least open to entertain the idea) that you are attracting and creating your reality, whether wanted or not, deliberate or by default (the latter being the majority of us) through your own thoughts (conscious vibration). We are here to inspire, help and empower each other in that knowing and become more powerful and purposeful creators. Our conversations and coaching is based on the premise that you can be, do and have anything your heart desires. Join us in our upcoming gathering for inspiring, influential and insightful Conscious Creative Conversations! We Love You! ***Our Coach: Spiritual Relationship Coach and Sacred Medicine Man, Nai Na Txene has been inspiring thousands toward their hearts desires since 2010. He has facilitated, organized and directed hundreds of workshops, seminars, spiritual journeys and meditation groups in the area of self love, appreciation and empowerment. He currently facilitates sacred medicine journeys in the U.S/Mexico and provides relationship coaching world wide.