Behind the Desk: Video Book Reviews by Library Staff

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Every other week, library staff publish book reviews in the San Diego Union-Tribune sometimes followed by a video review on social media the following week.  No video this week. Instead here's a discussion of her book the author participated in on C-SPAN.

Library assistant Peggy Goings reviews Loved and Wanted: A Memoir of Choice, Children, and Womanhood by Christa Parravani, a passionate story of a woman’s love for her children, and a poignant and bracing look at the difficult choices of motherhood.

Behind the Desk is our latest video series and delves deeper into the Recommended Reads published every other Sunday in the Union-Tribune. Check the Sunday Paper to see the latest review from SDPL staff or view our archives on the library website:

Want other suggestions for great reads? Peggy has a playlist for you:

Her by Christa Parravani

Women's Work: A Reckoning with Work and Home by Megan Stack

Life's Work: A Moral Argument for Choice by Dr. Willie Parker

Check out Peggy on FB


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