Character & Characters in Movies

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This is not a library sponsored event.

Description of Event

Using selected scenes from acclaimed feature films, we will focus on "good character". The main characters to be examined are
EXEMPLARS of good character and/or characters who TRANSFORM into better persons. We will concentrate our attention on universal human motivations, aspirational hopes, and (especially) transformational spirituality. What are our wants? What do we want most of all?

How to get it, and live it? We will invite group discussion after a presentation incorporating the selected scenes.
For this inaugural discussion group on May 14, the movie is TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD, starring Gregory Peck, with a focus on "fear and protection". This multiple-Oscar-winning movie can be rented for streaming through Amazon, Apple, and VUDU.

Please send any questions and/or a request for notifications of future monthly meetings to

This program is neither sponsored nor endorsed by the San Diego Public Library. The Library is not responsible for the information presented in this program.