Comic Conference for Educators and Librarians: Library Panels

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10:00–11:00 Comics State of the Union: The Blue Age of Comics, the Rise of Kamala Khan, and Comics Librarianship—Meet the first president of the newly formed American Library Association Graphic Novels and Comics Roundtable, Amie Wright, as she discusses the state of comics librarianship and where we are headed. Then take part in a lively discussion with members of the new GNCRT board about the current wins and challenges of comics and libraries. With Monica Barrette, Candice Mack, and Brittany Netherton.  Room Shiley Special Events Suite, San Diego Central Library

11:00–12:00 Reading and Raising Our Voices: From Comics to Community Organizing—Hear from creators who have tapped the graphic medium to record the history and experiences of marginalized peoples, to take control of their own narratives, and to inspire a new generation of activists, as well as from librarians crafting large-scale initiatives around comics that focus on historically underrepresented communities. With Chloe Ramos, Ezra Claytan Daniels, Candice Mack, Maia Kobabe, and Henry Barajas.  Room Shiley Special Events Suite, San Diego Central Library

12:00–1:00 Comics and Libraries Lightning Round—Learn about a variety of different topics in comics librarianship in these 10-minute lightning round sessions! 

“Show the People What They Want: Adult Graphic Novel Collection Revitalization” by Brittany Netherton, Darien Library. Learn about the rehousing and expansion of a stagnant adult graphic novel collection at a suburban public library, how the new collection was promoted, and the end results of these efforts. Spoiler alert: circulation and renewals increased by 31% during one particular period!

“Manga in School Libraries: Authentic Learning from America to Japan” by Jillian Ehlers, Metropolitan Expeditionary Learning School - What started as a lunch club is now an international trip to Japan! Learn how this school librarian organized a Japanese Culture & Manga club, created authentic learning experiences for student learners, and built an age-appropriate collection that circulates by the thousands.

“Visual Literacy, Comics, and ADHD Learners” by Corinda Humphrey, Los Angeles Public Library -There is a dearth of studies on using comics and graphic novels with ADD/ADHD students. There is, however, an emphasis on using these materials with dyslexic students and English Language Learners, but the same materials would help students and adults with ADD/ADHD with reading comprehension. Libraries have many resources that would benefit this population and we should market materials to parents and teachers in this way. High-interest reading is important to engage people who we used to call "reluctant readers" and comics fit the bill.

“Comic Creating for Libraries” by Comic Creator Jose Guillen and YA Librarian Erik Jackiw, from the City of Commerce Public Library, will share information about a program they've developed (Comic Book Anthology) for teens to work together to create their own 8-10 page comics.  Jose will discuss the creative side, while Erik will cover logistics.  Our hope is for other libraries to develop similar programs and allow greater opportunities for creativity and storytelling.

“Collection Management in Graphic Medicine: Why, What, How” by Brittany Netherton, Darien Library -Learn about approaches to developing collections in graphic medicine in public library spaces. Considerations include why you should care about developing a graphic medicine collection, what you might include, and how you can find and purchase titles and stay up-to-date on the field.

1:00–2:00 Table Talks—Come and see various programs and initiatives librarians have successfully offered communities using comics and pop culture to increase literacy and build community connections! With Melanie Pentecost, Los Angeles Public Library; Anna-Marie Farquhar, Los Angeles Public Library; Emily Ratica, Arroyo Valley High School; Matthew Tabizon; Erik Jackiw, City of Commerce Public Library; Scott Gurolla, City of Commerce Public Library; Victoria Perez, Librarian; Concepcion Flores, City of Commerce Public Library; Robert Gunderson; Hanako Redrick; Lyle Brogden, cosplayer and actor; Nik Lillard, cast member at Disneyland, writer and cosplayer.  Room Shiley Special Events Suite, San Diego Central Library

2:00–3:00 Book Fights!—Librarians from all around San Diego come together to battle over topics like: "Lord of the Rings vs. Game of Thrones," "Best Manga Series," "Marvel vs. DC," "Best YA Series," and more! These fun interactions will lead to the audience deciding on which Librarians are the most "Lit" of all! Modeled after the "Movie Fights!" series, six librarians will have fun 5-10 minute discussions on whether (X) is better than (Y) and have the audience decide who made the best argument for their picks. They'll cover the topics of comic books, manga, fantasy, and more. With Bijan Nowroozian (San Diego Public Library), Lydia Bringerud (San Diego Public Library),Vanessa Gempis (San Diego Public Library), Bill Sannwald (San Diego County Library), and Christina Wainwright (San Diego Public Library).  Room Shiley Special Events Suite, San Diego Central Library

3:00 - 4:00 ComicsForAll: Collection Development and Readers Advisory -Did you know that most comics don’t get reviewed in professional journals? Or that most libraries don’t have separate budgets for buying comics? Join librarians, specialists, and educators as they share their tips and tricks for ‘how to’ build mindful, accessible, and locally relevant collections for readers from early literacy to adult in a range of formats from zines to webcomics to collected volumes. Hear their favorite comics (and why), their tools for buying and evaluating quality comics (including award lists like the Eisners), and their suggestions for what to read next! With Alea Perez, Andrew Woodrow-Butcher, Victoria Alvarado, Vincent (Vincey) Zalkind, Danielle Thomsen, Carla Riemer

4:00–5:00 Will Eisner: Graphic Novels and the Opportunity for Retailers, Educators, and Librarians to Join Forces for the Greater Good—As the number of graphic novels continues to gain momentum so too does the opportunity to create new partnerships between teachers, librarians, and retailers. How do we, as a community harness this moment? What sort of possibilities does this bring? Come for this insightful conversation on the new frontiers that are rapidly opening up for our community. Moderator: John Shableski (Will and Ann Eisner Family Foundation/UDON Entertainment). Panelists: Monica Barrette (librarian); Jewel Clark (educator); Derek Heid (educator); Tio Lavranos (retailer); Tina Lerno (librarian); Rachel Parker (retailer).  Room Shiley Special Events Suite, San Diego Central Library

5:00–6:00 Will Eisner: Defending Comics/Graphic Novels as “Real Reading”—As the market for graphic novels continues to explode, especially in the educational space, the need for these conversations remains at the highest level. Parents and administrators are still fighting the concept of using comics as literature and the educators on this panel have excellent methods for solving and diffusing these challenging moments. Moderated by John Shableski, panelists include Erin Hill, Lisa Harrison, Joe Onks, Nichole Santangelo, and Amy Pitotti.  Room Shiley Special Events Suite, San Diego Central Library

6:00–7:00 Fake News!: Propaganda Throughout Pop CultureJ. D. Lombardi (host/producer, YouTube’s Lombardi Labs and middle school science teacher, Glendale Unified) along with Justin Montgomery (comedian, Mental Xhaustion Podcast), Guadalupe De La O (STEM teacher/science instructional coach, Alliance Schools), and G. L. Lambert (screenwriter, author of Solving Single), will trace propaganda used by characters throughout comics, films, and shows that demonstrate how it correlates to the current climate of “alternative facts.” Teaching science literacy in and out of the classroom is more crucial now than ever, and the panelist invite educators and fans of the arts alike to join in on a Q&A session targeted at science literacy and how to debunk pseudoscience. Room Shiley Special Events Suite, San Diego Central Library


This program kicks off our 4th annual Comic Conference for Educators and Librarians (CCEL). Comic-Con International and San Diego Public Library have teamed up once again for this FREE five-day conference, which takes place during Comic-Con from July 17 - 21 at the Central Library. Through presentations and panel discussions, CCEL explores the role comics play in promoting education, engagement, and literacy for all ages. Library professionals and educators are invited to learn creative and exciting ways to incorporate comics and graphic novels into their work.

CCEL is free to attend, but space is limited and registration is required for each day.

Comic-Con badge-holders with valid single same-day or four-day badges are welcome to attend and are not required to register.


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