"Dear Tetsuzo"....... from Clara Breed

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Among the letters Miss Breed wrote to the incarcerated San Diego youths, the only surviving one is written to Tetsuzo Hirasaki who was the oldest. Written on American Library Association letterhead, it has no date and the envelop has no address. It is thought Miss Breed took the letter with her to the Santa Fe Depot train station on April 7, 1942, as Japanese Americans were being rounded up onto trains to remote concentration camps, and gave it to Tetsuzo.

Watch the letter read by Write Out Loud actor Rachael Van Wormer. Visit the Clara Breed Collection at the Japanese American National Museum for access to all the over 300 letters and postcards written to her by the youths.


This online program is part of the program series: The Rebellious Miss Breed: San Diego Public Library and the Japanese American Incarceration. This project was made possible with support from California Humanities, a partner of the NEH. Visit calhum.org.


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