Del Mar Mesa Garden Club Monthly Meeting: Tips for Improving (or Starting) Your Rose Garden

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Description of Event

Topic: Tips for Improving (or Starting) Your Rose Garden

Do you dream of having a healthy and happy rose garden to enjoy with your family and friends? This month's meeting will help you with just that. Learn basic and advanced rose garden principles, take note of some of the best roses to plant right now, and learn how to improve your garden with simple tips and strategies - enabling you to create or maintain the rose garden of your dreams! Beth will answer several frequently asked questions during the meeting. Come ready to learn the ways of implementing and maintaining a beautiful rose garden!

Beth Van Boxtel is San Diego native, a certified Consulting Rosarian, and a UCCE Master Gardener. She teaches and inspires home gardeners to grow the best roses in their yards. She currently maintains a large rose garden. She volunteers with the San Diego Rose Society and she has won the Rising Star Award from the American Rose Society. She is also a rose exhibitor at the San Diego County Fair in Del Mar, and won 170 ribbons in 2023.