Program Type:
Library NExTProgram Description
Event Details
How can we grow flowers that change color, produce microbes that make perfumes, or build organs from scratch? In this Library NExT workshop, students will explore synthetic biology, the intersection of biology and engineering. They will find out how DNA can be changed to alter the way biological systems work. Students will also learn about bioprinting – using 3D printing to make functional body parts – and try out this technology as they create models and art pieces to take home.
PLEASE READ: The San Diego Public Library and UC San Diego Extension are proud to bring all Library NExT programming to you for free, thanks to funding provided by the federal government. In order to keep these programs free, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant program requires us to collect household income information as part of the registration. All the information collected is confidential and is only used for tracking to provide funds for this program.
Registration Policy and Procedures:
- I understand students should arrive promptly for class and stay for the full duration of the class.
- I understand this class is part of a partnership with UCSD. These classes differ from our regular programs in that they offer more of a structured, in-depth, and hands-on learning environment.
- I understand I am responsible for arranging transport with/for my student(s) promptly at the start and end of the class.
- I understand students should treat each other with respect; failure to do so could result in being dropped from the class.
- I understand that a break will be included in the program and students are encouraged to bring water and a snack.
By registering for the class, I agree and understand the restrictions, policies, and procedures outlined above.