Eating Local in the Roaring Twenties | City Clerk's Archive Month Lecture series

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Vincent N. Rossi is a freelance writer and researcher with a special interest in history. He’s written hundreds of articles for print and online media, many on historical subjects. He’s also written four books on San Diego County history: From Field to Town, Valleys of Dreams, The Lost Town of Bernardo, and Once Upon A Town: Bernardo, Merton, and Stowe. His latest book, From Measures to Missiles, written in collaboration with Everett Ireland, tells the story of a U.S. government missile laboratory that existed in Corona, California from 1951 to 1971.  Vincent also writes a blog, The San Diego History Seeker, which can be found at  With his wife Peggy, a professional genealogist, Vincent co-owns StorySeekers, a research and publishing company for family history, memoir, and historical books. Further info available at


The San Diego City Clerk's Office is celebrating archives month all throughout October with a series of lectures at San Diego Central Library and an exhibit on display at the City Administration Building. To learn more about San Diego history all month long! To learn more about the Office of the City Clerk, please visit their website:



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