"Emma." Virtual Screening

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Program Type:

Films, Literature
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Program Description

Event Details

Watch a free virtual screening of the 2020 adaption of Jane Austen's Emma.  This version stars Anya Taylor-Joy, Johnny Flynn, Bill Nighy, Mia Goth, and Miranda Hart.  View it online on Saturday, March 13, at any time between 3:00-11:59pm.  Login information will be emailed to all registrants who sign up to attend this event.  

First published in 1816, Jane Austen’s Emma is a classic novel with a spirited heroine: Emma Woodhouse is beautiful, clever, rich, and content to remain single. With the best of intentions she tries her hand at matchmaking, only to discover that affairs of the heart – even her own – are not easily understood.  The SDPL Tea Group on Facebook has been reading aloud from Emma since February, and all are invited to attend this free screening to celebrate the conclusion of their group read.  


If you would like to make this a more interactive experience, we've organized two more Emma-events:

  • Saturday, March 13 at 2:45-3:00pm - Pre-screening Tea Party on Facebook
    • https://www.facebook.com/groups/SDPLtea
    • Show off your tea tray and any movie watching snacks you've prepared, and speculate about what is to come.  If you go online after the Tea Party has ended, we'd still love for you to post photos or comments in the Tea Group.  
  • Monday, March 15 at 3:00pm - Zoom Discussion of Emma (film and/or book) 
    • Login information will be sent when you register to attend the film screening.  




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