EXTENDED - Occupy Thirdspace II: Plástica y palabra en TJ/SD / Ocupa Tercer Espacio II: Plástica y palabra en TJ/SD

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Event Details

Occupy Thirdspace II: Plástica y palabra en TJ/SD explores the relationship between the visual arts and palabra (word). It documents the history of this relationship from the late 1980s to the present, through the work of artists who have lived and worked in Tijuana and San Diego. Palabra as a concept speaks back to the oppressive function of "Language," as a tool for colonization, assimilation, and exclusion—repurposing, translating, and changing it. Plástica y Palabra represents a collective force of impulses that cross geopolitical, racial, lingual, social, and economic borders. These practices live, give new life, and assign new meaning to their environment.

Ocupa Tercer Espacio II: Plástica y palabra en TJ/SD explora la relación entre las artes visuales y palabra. Documenta la historia de esta relación desde fines de la década de 1980 hasta el presente, a través del trabajo de artistas que han vivido y trabajado en Tijuana y San Diego. Palabra como concepto responde a la función opresiva del "lenguaje," como una herramienta para la colonización, la asimilación y la exclusión—reutilizándolo, traduciéndolo y cambiándolo. Plástica y Palabra representa una fuerza colectiva de impulsos que cruzan fronteras geopolíticas, raciales, lingüísticas, sociales y económicas. Estas prácticas viven, dan nueva vida y asignan un nuevo significado a su entorno.

Curated by Sara Solaimani and features work by David Avalos, Elizabeth Sisco, Louis Hock, Omar Pimienta, Cog•nate Collective, Adriana Trujillo, Jaime Ruiz Otis, Charles Glaubitz, Melissa Cisneros, Marcos Ramírez ERRE, and Comité Magonista Tierra y Libertad.

Sonidero Travesura will be performing LIVE at the gallery opening on the Dome terrace. The duo is composed of Tijuana native Omar Lizarraga and Dardin Coria.

Opening Reception takes place outside on the 9th floor Dome Terrace on February 19, from 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. Mask mandates and social distancing are in place. Gallery capacity will be limited to 30 visitors at one time.

*Gallery hours operate outside of library hours. Please see the gallery hours below: 

Gallery Hours:

Monday and Tuesday, 1 p.m. – 7 p.m.

Wednesday – Saturday, 12 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Closed on Sunday


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