Family Concert Series: Felix Diaz DRUMMING

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Program Type:

Performing Arts

Age Group:

All Ages
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Program Description

Event Details

The Carmel Valley Library Family Concert Series presents Felix Diaz on drums. Felix Diaz is one of the founders of Drummers Without Borders, a program to introduce elementary school students with special needs to music. The program is for all ages, and will last 60 minutes. Admission is free. 

Carmel Valley Library Family Concert Series 2023-2024

Sunday, July 30, 1:30 pm KICK-OFF EVENT

Sara Maxman, violin & Aidan Wahlman, piano, CLASSICAL CHAMBER MUSIC

Tuesday, September 26, 6:30 pm

Slack Key ‘Ohana, Brian Witkin & Kamaka Mullen, HAWAIIAN STYLE MUSIC

Tuesday, October 24, 6:30 pm

Trio Aquarelle (piano, flute, cello), CLASSICAL CHAMBER MUSIC

Sunday, November 19, 2:00 pm

Felix Diaz, DRUMMING

Sunday, December 17, 4:00 pm 

In aChord Men’s Vocal Ensemble, HOLIDAY

Tuesday, January 23, 6:30 pm 

Peter Sprague & Friends, JAZZ

Tuesday, February 27, 6:30 pm


Tuesday, March 26, 6:30 pm 


Tuesday, April 23, 6:30 pm 

Besos Trio, JAZZ

Sunday, May 19, 2:00 pm 

Ralph Covert guitar, CHILDREN’S PROGRAM

Tuesday, June 25, 6:30 pm

Tae Yeon, solo piano, CLASSICAL PIANO SOLO



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