"Guapo's Giant Heart" - Kids Author Talk with Janet Zappala

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In her new book “Guapo’s Giant Heart,” Janet Zappala introduces young readers to the true, heartwarming story of Guapo – the baby calf that just kept growing and growing! Although Guapo is sweet and friendly, not everyone is kind to him at first due to his size. While the animals who’ve known him since he was a baby calf love him, those who meet Guapo later on aren’t so sure—they find his larger-than-life presence intimidating. Towering over everyone he meets, can this gentle giant teach other animals that being different is a good thing?

Join Janet as she tells of her relationship with Guapo, and all the animals at Coachella Horse Rescue -where Guapo and his friends currently reside. This event is free. A portion of any book sales benefit the rescue and its cause. 


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