Kamishibai Story Performance & Lecture

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Join Write Out Loud for an exciting afternoon of kamishibai performance and discussion.  Professional storytellers will discuss the history of kamishibai and perform Ayako’s Story, an original tale set during the WWII Japanese American incarceration about a grade schooler whose life is turned inside out when her country suddenly turns on her.

Registration encouraged. Please scroll down.

Kamishibai is a Japanese storytelling tradition (kami = paper; shibai = theatre). In kamishibai, a storyteller reveals a series of illustrations as the narrative unfolds. The story-telling combines oral, visual, and print literacies. The stories rely on lively dialogue and highly dramatic situations that engage audiences. This centuries-old magical art has been revived for modern audiences in Japan and in countries around the world including the U.S. and Mexico.

Enjoy live kamishibai storytimes presented at 25 library locations through November 20.

Enjoy also nine brilliantly performed kamishibai videos of world folktales and two original incarceration stories.


Kamishibai is part of the program series The Rebellious Miss Breed: San Diego Public Library and the Japanese American Incarceration. This project was made possible with support from California Humanities, a partner of the NEH. Visit calhum.org.


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