Last Day to Claim Prizes for In-N-Out Burger "Cover to Cover" Reading Program

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Program Description

Event Details

Beginning Saturday, October 7th through Saturday, November 18th the San Diego Public Library will participate in the In-N-Out Burger "Cover to Cover Club" Reading Program for children ages 4 to 12. To participate, children can register at the library customer service desk to receive a reading log and check out books at their reading level. Children can now receive an award, up to three times, of one free hamburger or cheeseburger for every five books or 300 minutes read during this six-week reading program. The "Cover to Cover Club" achievement award is good at any participating In-N-Out Burger. Children in this age group who are too young to read may participate by having books read to them by their parent or guardian. For more information or to register online: 

Program Details

Who: Children ages 4 – 12. For individuals only, group participation is not available for the Cover to Cover Club. For school group opportunities, please visit

When: October 7th through November 18th - PRIZES CAN STILL BE CLAIMED THROUGH 11/25!

Where: All 36 San Diego Public Library locations.

How: Read and log 5 books or 300 minutes online here or on a paper log available at any of our 36 San Diego Public Library locations. Once completed, visit the library to receive your certificate for a free hamburger or cheeseburger. Children MUST be present to receive their certificate - No exceptions.



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