Make a Felt Cupcake for the Library's 30th Anniversary - Family Craft Program

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Program Type:

Art, Community Engagement

Age Group:

All Ages
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.

Program Description

Event Details

Help Rancho Peñasquitos celebrate its 30th Anniversary by creating a unique felt cupcake!

All supplies will be provided. 


SAVE THE DATE for our HAPPY ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION on Saturday, October 15 at 10:30 a.m. to noon. 🎉 There will be a presentation by Special Friends, Photo Ops with Odi the Library Coyote, a Commemorative Key Chain Craft, and, of course, Cake. 🧁

HOW CAN YOU HELP US PREPARE? Help us make decorations for the celebration and play anniversary bingo to earn prizes! Pick up your bingo card at the library.

Any 5 squares stamped = Happy Anniversary Button

Any 10 squares stamped = Free Book from the Book Nook

Any 15 squares stamped = Raffle to win a $5 Gift Card or Free 1-year Membership to the Book Nook

Activities include:

September 1-14: Tissue Paper Flowers (drop-in, Children's area)

September 10 at 10:30am-noon: Kindness Rock Painting Party

September 15-28: Papel Picado Banners (drop-in Children's area)

September 17 at 10:30am-noon: Felt Birthday Cupcakes

September 24 at 10:30am-noon: Kindness Rock Painting Party

September 29-October 12: Fan Garlands (drop-in, Children's area) October 1 at 10:30am-noon: Letter to Future Self

October 8 at 10:30am-noon: Kindness Rock Painting Party

Ongoing: Anniversary Balloons

October 15 at 10:30am to noon: 30th Anniversary Celebration

Participants agree to follow all relevant City of San Diego COVID protocols. 

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