Microcontroller Programming and Robotics Class

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Age Group:

Middle School Age
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Allowed Ages: 10 to 14

Program Description

Event Details

This online Zoom class will take place over four dates: Friday & Saturday, July 9-10 & July 16-17, 3:30-5 pm. Students must attend all four sessions to complete their project.

Students aged 10-14 will learn the fundamentals about microcontrollers and robotics, including how to program arduinos, how to wire circuits and assemble products using microcontrollers, servos, batteries, and other essential circuit pieces. Students will also build a robot using these parts, provided in a kit, which they will be able to keep.

Class Materials will be provided at no cost and available for pickup from the Scripps Miramar Ranch Library about a week beforehand. Staff will contact you when the class materials are ready.


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