Modern Applications of Einstein's Theories presented by Dr. Mukund M. Moharir

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Description of Event

Why do most of the modern applications in advanced technology have a footprint of Einstein's theories even though the latter are about 80-120 years old? You will learn a summary synopsis of theses theories as well the outlines of the modern applications from proving the presence of molecules to the explanation of "Bhaanaamati Vidyaa" and "God's Particle" (Higgs Boson).

Dr. Mukund M. Moharir is a retired aerospace scientist/engineer. He has extensive experience in this field and has worked on Upper-Stage Rockers, Tomahawk Cruise Missile, NASP (National Space Plane), Osprey (Tilt Rotor VROL Technology Plane) and more. Dr. Moharir has presented more than 50 speeches on Einstein's work in different perspectives such as "Journey Through Einstein's Brain" and "Aristotle to Einstein; Scientific Progress of Human Race."