Picture This: Ghostbusters

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When you're in the mood for a spooky comedy, who ya gonna call?  Ghostbusters!

For October's Monday Matinee, we invite you to enjoy a classic comedy on our Community Room's big screen.  

Description: Ghostbusters is about unemployed parapsychologists who devise a system for neutralizing ghosts when New York City comes under attack from supernatural demons.  Starring: Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, Sigourney Weaver, and Ernie Hudson.  (1984 | PG | 105 minutes)

Information and program content can be made available in alternative formats upon request. To request disability-related modifications or accommodations, please email JFRogers@sandiego.gov


Need disability-related modifications or accommodations? Information and program content can be made available in alternative formats upon request by emailing RACooper@sandiego.gov.