Poetry in Ocean: A celebration of the Sunset, Surf & the Sea

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All Ages
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Program Description

Event Details

Join us for this exclusive event, sponsored by the Friend's of Central Library,* exploring the creative connection between lovers of the Sea and writers of Poetry and Prose. San Diego Poetry Annual's Michael Klam, himself a lifelong surfer and poet/artist, will lead a conversation with some of San Diego's most creative surfers, poets and creatives of the written and spoken word.

Following the conversation will be a limited Open Mic (3 min) where audience members can share their take on the influence and inspiration they draw from the sea. AN OPTION TO PARTICIPATE WILL BE OFFERED AT THE DOOR, UPON ENTRY.

Check back for more updates and special guest announcements!

Scroll down to register - it is highly suggested but not required.


The Friends of the San Diego Central Library will be hosting an event with opportunities to take home some amazing San Diego swag including a custom designed "poetry in ocean" surfboard by internationally acclaimed board shaper, Hank Warner. Membership fees start at $10.00 a year. Membership levels increase opportunities to take home donated prizes.  Sponsorships are on the flyer attached on the right and updated as needed, keep coming back!

**Everybody in attendance receives an opportunity to take home a prize from the Friends of the Central Library**




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