Description of Event
Parents and interested adults. Free workshop on...
Schools and our Children --
"How toxic stress impacts Learning and Achievement."
Parents and other community members will benefit from this event to learn about leading with compassion and identifying -- and meeting -- children's needs to feel supported, be resilient, and reach their full potential by using proven strategies. Learn about ACEs Adverse Childhood Experience Study.
The Presenter is Godwin Higa, retired Principal, and professor at Alliant University, San Diego. Sucessful Trauma Informed consultant in Hawaii. And the principal of the first Trauma-informed Responsive and Restorative Justice Practices School in the San Diego Unified School District.
Mr. Higa taught grades 3-6 for ten years, was a Principal for 20 years at Elementary and Secondary schools, and was named District Teacher of the Year.
Mr. Higa is a nationally-recognized expert in supporting the mental health and wellness of students. As Principal at Cherokee Point Elementary -- and as a consultant for the Hawaii Department of Education -- he was instrumental in providing training for all adults and resulting in all adults leading with compassion. He also lowered and eliminated the suspensions while raising academic achievement at his school and in Hawaii.
Please join us for a time together of new knowledge and beginnings.