So You Want to be an Architect?

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Marouane Abdaoui, pronounced (Mar-wan Abda-wi), of Island Architects will read a story, discuss becoming and being an architect, and take questions before leading an architecture-related activity for attendees. Grades K-8th. 

Abdaoui is a Junior Architect/ Drafting Technical Support at Island Architects. He is originally from Morocco and has lived in the UAE and France. His love for architecture developed from living in the beautiful city of Santa Barbara where he discovered Spanish historical buildings reminiscent of Moorish and Spanish architecture. Marouane began career at Marengo Morton Architects before starting at Island Architects in 2018. His professional career has been influenced by local La Jolla architects, his passion for the community and its marvelous coasts and architectural monuments. He is a current resident and professional of La Jolla and a member of the La Jolla Community Planning Association and Board member of the La Jolla Historical Society.


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