Sound Bath Meditation

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This is not a library sponsored event.

Description of Event

"If only humans could find stillness and contemplate, we could solve all our problems."  

In Buddhology, the purpose of meditation is to proactively face life’s difficulties by finding inner peace and clarity. In this workshop, Ashley Davis will guide you through gentle movement and breathwork to open the body and bring the mind to the present moment. Then, immerse yourself in a meditative state with the resonating sounds of Himalayan singing bowls. You will experience a deep sense of peace and spaciousness, enabling you to embrace life’s ups and downs with clarity and courage.

Ashley Davis is the co-founder of the Center for Harmonious Living and has been a teacher and practitioner of Buddhology for over 15 years. She incorporates yoga and the sounds of Himalayan singing bowls to create a profound meditative experience, helping you cultivate skillful and wise actions of body, speech, and mind.

This workshop is open to everyone. Donations are welcome but not required.