Teens Gettin' Crafty: DIY Forest Terrariums

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Age Group:

Middle School Age, Teens
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Registration for this event is no longer open.
Allowed Ages: 8 to 17

Program Description

Event Details

Teens and tweens are invited to get crafty in this DIY Forest Terrariums workshop. Learn the importance of this diverse biome while creating your very own miniature forest. Presented by Toshwerks.


For teens and tweens ages 8+

Limit 20. Registration required. Please register below for each participant.


Explore your world and beyond during the Summer Reading Program! San Diego residents of all ages are encouraged to sign up for this event and venture beyond the beaten path and read! Complete a combination of 10 books, hours of reading or activities to claim your prizes. Sign up begins June 1st and the program will last through August 31st. Adventure is just one book away! Register for the Summer Reading Program atsandiego.gov/summerreading


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