Virtual Wellness in the Digital Age

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Registration for this event is no longer open.
Allowed Grades: 9th Grade to 12th Grade

Program Description

Event Details

Living in a digital age with technology all around us has many benefits but also creates serious challenges to our well-being. Learn how to set healthy boundaries on your use of electronic devices while also cultivating practices that promote wellness. We will look at what research shows about the negative effects of too much technology use. For one thing, our dependence on devices is causing us to spend more time indoors and less time in nature than ever before. Participants will learn how spending time in nature provides an effective counterbalance to increased screen time and tech use. We will also look at the benefits of cultivating mindfulness and a growth mindset and of making time for play. Finally, we will consider how to incorporate these practices into our daily lives. 


Please use an email address that you will be sure to check for important notifications.

Be sure to check your email for a POSSIBLE supply kit to be picked up at a contactless-service library location. Not every class has a supply kit.

24 hours prior to the class, the instructor will email out the Zoom link, pass code and other possible instructions!

*Please read all the information below!

The San Diego Public Library and UC San Diego Extension are proud to bring all Library NExT programming to you for free, thanks to funding provided by the federal government. In order to keep these programs free, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant program requires us to collect household income information as part of the registration. All the information collected is confidential and is only used for tracking to provide funds for this program.

All participants are welcome. If you need special accessibility accommodations, information and program content can be made available in alternative formats upon request. To request disability-related modifications or accommodations, please email

If you have comments, questions or grievances about Library NExT, please contact Library NExT Programming at

Registration Policy and Procedures:

▪ I understand students must attend all classes.

▪ I understand students should arrive promptly for class and stay for the full duration of the class.

▪ I understand this class is part of a partnership with UCSD. These classes differ from our regular programs in that they offer more of a structured, in-depth, and hands-on learning environment.

▪ I understand I am responsible for arranging transport with/for my student(s) promptly at the start and end of the class.

▪ I understand students should treat each other with respect; failure to do so could result in being dropped from the class.

▪ I understand that a break will be included in the program and students are encouraged to bring water and a snack.

By registering for the class, I agree and understand the restrictions, policies, and procedures outlined above.



Need disability-related modifications or accommodations? Information and program content can be made available in alternative formats upon request by emailing