Women’s Centennial Series: Ladies of the Gaslamp: Famous and Infamous

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Program Description

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Meeting ID: 813 7333 5687

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Please zoom in with the Women’s Museum of California and the San Diego Public Library as they team up with Gaslamp Museum at the Davis-Horton House for a front-row seat and a virtual tour of the Gaslamp Quarter! Hear the stories of those who lived in the quarter during the Suffrage Movement. Who were these women who helped others living in the quarter, who lived to clean up the quarter and who enriched the quarter? What effect did the passage of 19th Amendment have on these ladies? Join us for a conversation with Gaslamp Historian Sandee Wilhoit and Anne Hoiberg, Board President, Women's Museum of California.

Check out our website for more programs about the Women’s Centennial Celebration of the 19th Amendment.

Zoom event link will be posted and emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of the event.


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