Women’s Centennial Series: “The Road from Ratification to Reality”

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At 6:00pm please join us for the “The Road from Ratification to Reality” by clicking here.  The meeting ID is: 881 3231 5911

Please zoom in with the Women’s Museum of California and the San Diego Public Library in celebrating the centennial anniversary of the 19th Amendment granting women the right to vote. How does the ratification of the law in 1920 reconcile with the reality of the subsequent 100 years? What changes in laws and policies enabled all women to exercise their right to vote? And, how important is it for all women to vote?

Leading this discussion, Anne Hoiberg, Board President, Women's Museum of California is joined by President, League of Women Voters of San Diego, Lori Theil;Sheryl Mallory-Johnson, Author and Founder 1619 National Celebration of Black Women; and, Ellen Nash, SDSU’s Human Resources Department (Ret.)

Check out our website for more programs about the Women’s Centennial Celebration of the 19th Amendment.


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