Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher Community Office Hours- City Heights!

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This is not a library sponsored event.

Description of Event

Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher is the State representative for the 80th Assembly District which includes areas in San Diego, National City, and Chula Vista. She values all of her constituents and has been hosting office hours in various parts of her district to engage with people she represents. To ensure City Heights residence have an opportunity to have a one on one conversation with the Assemblywoman and voice their concerns, or receive assistance with state resources from staff we will be hosting office hours at the City Heights Library! In addition to conversations with the member our office will host an informational table that will offer handouts with Legislation the Assemblywoman has authored to benefit constituents, free legislative coloring books for kids, Reusable shopping bags, as well as our newsletter highlighting the work we've been doing in the community.