Better And Betterer Wellness MeetUp

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Description of Event

MeetUp Group: Better And Betterer A Wellness MeetUp in downtown San Diego This is the FIRST meeting! The topic we will cover is "Too Young to Feel this Old" Join this meetup if you want to learn about the 8 dimensions of wellness & make realistic moves towards better and betterer! For the 1st go 'rounds here's the format: - 15 min content (that's me or a guest speaker) - Group shares - Open discussion on the topic for the week, how we can really incorporate into our lives (perhaps!), mayyyybe a challenge? Example future topics: Escaping Ever-Stressed mode, Workplace Wellness (don't buy in to the thinking that work is supposed to suck -- I have so much good workplace wellness stuff to share), mindset, values exploration, connecting with purpose, assertiveness, etc. (OPEN to ideas!!) BTW The 8 dimensions of wellness are: physical, emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual, vocational, environmental, and financial.