Community Wellness Education and Advocacy Forum

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This is not a library sponsored event.

Description of Event

An education and advocacy series would be held to assist local Faith Based and Community Organizations support Policy, Systems and Environment work. Two sessions would be held around different themes and would begin/incorporate with a film showing. A planned sequence would be 1) In Defense of Food. Better understanding the Food System, where our food comes from, why and how we eat. 2) Soul Food Junkies. Discussion of cultural food norms, the role in health outcomes and how to adapt eating habits. 3) Just Eat It. A Food Waste Story. What do we do with food waste, compost and the role of urban gardening. Each session would be moderated by UCSD-Center for Community Health staff with local leaders, to help create Policy, Systems and Environmental strategies. Participants will be invited to answer questions as part of a narrative collection on food justice, diet, culture and access.