Drive Electric - EV 101

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Description of Event

Curious about driving electric? Learn about charging , incentives, perks such as HOV lane for single driver and more. Even if you live in a multi-unit dwelling there are charging options for you . . . many of them really close to this library. Electric Auto Association is the oldest and largest non-profit educating and advocating for electric vehicles, with over 50 chapters throughout the U.S. and Canada. Global members, too! Raejean Fellows, President of Electric Auto Association, will share stories of people, like you, who learned to choose a cleaner fueled vehicle. EV owners are proud to be giving up gas station visits and their dirty tailpipes. Learn how you can join the over 1,000,000 people in the United States who are enjoying the fun of driving an electric car. Bring your questions, your challenges . . .all questions answered. This program is neither sponsored nor endorsed by the San Diego Public Library. The Library is not responsible for the information presented in this program.