Look! Over there! Coming out of that library! It's . . . BOOKMAN! Using the superpower of reading, BOOKMAN has magically traveled all around the world – even into space!
Robert Warren leads this popular qi gong class, a mind-body-spirit practice that improves one's mental and physical health by integrating posture, movement, and breathing technique.
Join us every Thursday for storytime. Every week we will read a selection of books along with singing songs, playing with instruments, puppets, felt and other storytime aspects. Each storytime will end with a craft!
Open to the public and are free of charge. Play variety board games. Attendees should be fully vaccinated and have masks
How to Work a Computer
Are you looking to learn some computer skills? These sessions—with instruction, hands-on opportunities, and plenty of time for questions and answers—are just for you!
Dec 1 – Mouse Shortcuts
Pre-School Story Time in the Park w/ Mr. Erni
Mr. Erni will share stories, song, and bubbles with children ages 3-5. Older and younger siblings welcome! Bring a blanket to sit on the grass.
Preschool storytime for babies, toddlers, and all preschoolers!
Participants agree to follow all relevant City of San Diego COVID protocols.
Live Interactive Video Preschool/Kindergarten Drawing Class with Mr. Luan
I'll show kids how to draw basic shapes. Then we'll add other elements to those shapes to create popular objects like people, bunnies, cars, fish, caterpillars, houses, etc.. Throughout the lessen I'll have them color parts of those ob
Live Interactive Video Preschool/Kindergarten Drawing Class with Mr. Luan
I'll show kids how to draw basic shapes. Then we'll add other elements to those shapes to create popular objects like people, bunnies, cars, fish, caterpillars, houses, etc.. Throughout the lessen I'll have them color parts of those ob
Toddler and Preschool Storytime
Recommended for ages 2-5, this storytime program includes books, songs, games, and early literacy fun!
Please note: Weather permitting, this program will be held outdoors.
Preschool Storytime & Craft with Ms. Dana
Join in as we read, sing, dance, and play in this special storytime meant to encourage a love of reading and build essential early literacy skills.
Stay for an after-storytime craft project featuring a new craft each week.
All young children and their caregivers are welcome to join us for stories, songs and rhymes. Held outdoors on the grass, bring a blanket or chair. No Registration required. We hope to see you there!
Noon Year's Eve Party
Ring in the new year at La Jolla Library! The party will start with a New Year's Eve story and then we can dance the morning/year away to music before counting down to noon as the proverbial "ball" drops in the Community Room.
Work on your flexibility, strength building and quiet your mind with functional movement practice. Participate at your own ability. Wear flexible clothing and bring any preferred yoga equipment.
Ikebana Japanese Floral Design
Learn to make one arrangement in each meeting. One-on-one criteques with students on their work will be conducted in each meeting. Explore other Japanese cultures, including tea ceremony, kimono Japanese cuisine and confection.
***CANCELLED*** - Pen to Paper Writing Group (will resume on Jan. 12)
***CANCELLED*** - Will resume on Jan. 12.
Knit and Crochet Circle
Bring your knit and crochet projects and socialize with fellow stitchers!
Participants agree to follow all relevant City of San Diego COVID protocols.
A Mah Jong Group for adults is meeting every Monday and Thursday from 1:00pm-3:30pm. Knowledge of American Mah Jong rules is required to play. Please bring your own Mah Jong tiles if possible.
Chess Club
Interested in achieving better brain function while improving your memory, cognitive abilities, and strategic thinking? Then play chess!
Chess is played by over 600 million people and is the most popular game in the world.
Chess Club
All levels of Chess experience are welcome - beginners to advanced.
All ages, children and adults!
Enjoy a selection of board games the whole family can play at this fun weekly event. We'll have Chess, Jenga, Chutes and Ladders, Connect 4 and more!
Get messy, make mistakes, and prepare to make ART!
Join us every Thursday to get creative!
Joins us for a fun craft for children. Registration recommended.
Come join us at the Ocean Beach Branch Library every Thursday in the Children’s Area from 4:00pm to 5:00pm. Kids who participate will get to win cool prizes. Kids ages 3–12 are welcome. Adult supervision is required for younger kids.
Downtown Chess @ San Diego Central Library Courtyard/1st floor Lobby
Join us every Thursday from 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm for Courtyard Chess. Downtown Chess meets at the courtyard of the San Diego Central Library @ Joan ^ Irwin Jacobs Common. All ages are welcome to join.
The Teen Game is open! Come check out our Nintendo Switch, PS4 and more.