Robert Warren leads this popular qi gong class, a mind-body-spirit practice that improves one's mental and physical health by integrating posture, movement, and breathing technique.
SDPOCQG Sewing Group
Babies and toddlers ages 0-18 months and their caregivers will enjoy songs, lap-sits and rhymes that foster early literacy skills.
Baby Sign Storytime with Monta Briant
Join us for "Sign-a-Story Circle Time" with Baby Sign Language Basics author, Monta Z. Briant. Parents learn how to use ASL signs for early communication with their babies through stories, songs, and other fun activities.
Bilingual Storytime!
Join us every third Thursday of the month for a very special bilingual storytime. Here children will be introduced to different languages, songs, stories and fun!
Join us for the fun, sweet musical stylings of Hooray Miss Marae! Singing and dancing is a great way to start your day!
Join Miss Valerie in the Children's Storywell for a Storytime appropriate for toddlers and preschoolers.
Storytime for Toddlers & Preschoolers
Join us for a storytime that fosters early literacy! Features books, songs, action rhymes, and finger plays that invite participation. Ages 1-5. Every Thursday.
Toddler Storytime
Join us Thursday mornings at 10am for stories, songs, finger games and more!
Babies / Toddler Storytime
Join us as we read, sing, and dance this special Storytime, which encourages a love of reading and builds essential early literacy skills. A unique craft follows each Storytime.
Come let your baby or toddler learn about the world by exploring. Little ones are able to make noise, play, and meet new friends. This is a loosely structured, baby-led program of play, stories, bubbles, songs and more.
Food & Wellness Workshop with Dr. Jennifer Wall: Weight Loss
Join Dr.
Children learn simple signing in a fun, storytime format.
Join Ms. Camille and Ms. Melissa every Thursday at the OB Rec Center for storytime and free play for children 0 to 5 years old. Each week children will have the opportunity to explore and socialize and so will their caregivers!
Little Players: Cooperative Board Game Program for Kids
For young children (ages 2-6) and their families: learn important social skills, problem-solving, and early literacy through cooperative games! In partnership with Toy Hermit.
Open to the public and are free of charge. Play variety board games.
Outreach to inform the community of the City of San Diego's Broadband Master Plan.
How to Work a Computer: Video Calls
Are you looking to learn some computer skills? These sessions—with instruction, hands-on opportunities, and plenty of time for questions and answers—are just for you! First hour: Hands-on basic technical exercises and Q&A; Hour 2:
U.S. Passport Pop-Up
The Office of the City Clerk is hosting a full-service U.S. Passport Pop-Up! Services include taking passport photos and accepting applications for minors and those applying for their first U.S. Passport.
Ages 0-5
Show off your moves while making new friends at our dance party!
Preschool storytime for babies, toddlers, and all preschoolers!
Songs and Stories with Ms Amy
Read along and sing for this fun interactive storytime. We will read picture books, move our bodies, act out stories, and sing fun songs and silly rhymes to build our skills with words and language. The storytime will be followed by a craft.
Welcome families to Stay and Play. This program is focused towards children 0-5 years old and their caregivers. Every Thursday we will offer free play.
Virtual Preschool Storytime with Ms Rebecca
Note: Due to a scheduling conflict, this Storytime is on a special day!
Join us on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month for a virtual Storytime via Zoom, perfect for toddlers and preschoolers. Questions? Call 858-581-9934.
Live Interactive Video Preschool/Kindergarten Drawing Class with Mr. Luan
I'll show kids how to draw basic shapes. Then we'll add other elements to those shapes to create popular objects like people, bunnies, cars, fish, caterpillars, houses, etc.. Throughout the lessen I'll have them color parts of those ob
Live Interactive Video Preschool/Kindergarten Drawing Class with Mr. Luan
I'll show kids how to draw basic shapes. Then we'll add other elements to those shapes to create popular objects like people, bunnies, cars, fish, caterpillars, houses, etc.. Throughout the lessen I'll have them color parts of those ob
Toddler and Preschool Storytime
Recommended for ages 2-5, this storytime program includes books, songs, games, and early literacy fun! A to-go craft will be provided at the end.
Pre-School Story Time in the Park
Kensington-Normal Heights Librarians will share stories, songs, and bubbles with children ages 3-5. Older and younger siblings welcome! Bring a blanket to sit on the grass.
Children 0-5 years old and their caregivers are invited to join us for Odi Buddies! We will sing songs, do rhymes, fingerplays, shake our shakers and have fun!
Join us for a special storytime with San Diego County Park Rangers! Just in time for the Year of the Snake, park rangers will read books and teach attendees about snakes. They will also bring their lovely friend, Pria, a rosy boa!
Whether you're a business owner, entrepreneur, or simply curious, this 60 minute course will equip you with the foundational knowledge you need to navigate trademark protection effectively.
The Southern Caregiver Resource Center will table at the library to offer information and resources to the community about caregiver support services.
After Preschool Storytime, we will be hosting a Stay and Play!
Parents and Caregivers- play with your children or watch them as they play with other children.
Storybox Theatre for toddlers & preschoolers
Storybox Theatre is a wonderful way to present illustrated stories to youngsters. Storybox is the American name we have given to the Japanese storytelling tradition called kamishibai. (Kami = paper; shibai = theatre). A storytell
Digital Navigator
The Digital Navigator Program offers free, one-on-one assistance to help improve computer skills or get basic tech support.
Tai Chi Moving for Better Balance (Tai Ji Quan) has been shown to improve balance and mobility and reduce the risk of falls. People of all ability levels are welcome. This class can be conducted from a seated or standing position. 
Learn the awesome secrets and tricks for making your own comics, and how to improve your drawing skills, whether you like manga, super-heroes or Dog Man!
Writers: 18+, novice and experienced, join us for Pen to Paper Writing Class
The San Diego Independent Scholars organization presents a Works in Progress Group.
Knit and Crochet Circle
Bring your knit and crochet projects and socialize with fellow stitchers! All levels welcome; however, no instruction is provided.
Join for an afternoon of knitting, crochet, and other arts and crafts.
Learn how to play ukulele!
You don't have to own a ukulele: bring your own, or borrow one for the class. Learn basic chords and strumming. Fun and easy for beginners.
La Jolla Library Poetry Group
The group meets the third Thursday of every month at the La Jolla Library from 2pm to 3pm. This is an opportunity to read and share poems you have written.
Chess Club
Interested in achieving better brain function while improving your memory, cognitive abilities, and strategic thinking? Then play chess!
Chess is played by over 600 million people and is the most popular game in the world.
Need to finish some homework, work on a project, study for a test, or just relax and read a book away from the distractions at home?
Crafting for Critters
Providing enrichment for our animal friends is incredibly important! During this monthly program you can help us make fun and easy enrichment items for homeless animals at our local Humane Society.
Family Art Project: Winter Snowy Owl
Enjoy a free Winter Art Project for the entire family! Join visual artist Stacie Greene and make your own adorable Winter Snowy Owl using pine cones, cotton and other materials.
North Park Library Book Club
Come to the North Park Library for this month's book club meeting!
Chess Club
All levels of Chess experience are welcome - beginners to advanced.
All ages, children and adults!
Ukulele Time
Uke players of all skill levels are invited to come together to strum, sing, learn, teach, share, and most of all, have fun.
Kids K through 8: having trouble with that homework? Need a little help? Our friendly Homework Coaches will provide assistance and guide you through your school assignments.
Kids K through 8: having trouble with that homework? Need a little help? Our friendly Homework Coaches will provide assistance and guide you through your school assignments.
Kids K through 8: having trouble with that homework? Need a little help? Our friendly Homework Coaches will provide assistance and guide you through your school assignments.
Kids K through 8: having trouble with that homework? Need a little help? Our friendly Homework Coaches will provide assistance and guide you through your school assignments.
Kids K through 8: having trouble with that homework? Need a little help? Our friendly Homework Coaches will provide assistance and guide you through your school assignments.
Kids K through 8: having trouble with that homework? Need a little help? Our friendly Homework Coaches will provide assistance and guide you through your school assignments.
Kids K through 8: having trouble with that homework? Need a little help? Our friendly Homework Coaches will provide assistance and guide you through your school assignments.
Kids K through 8: having trouble with that homework? Need a little help? Our friendly Homework Coaches will provide assistance and guide you through your school assignments.
Kids K through 8th: having trouble with that homework? Need a little help? Our friendly Homework Coaches will provide assistance and guide you through your school assignments.
Kids K through 8: having trouble with that homework? Need a little help? Our friendly Homework Coaches will provide assistance and guide you through your school assignments.
Kids K through 8: having trouble with that homework? Need a little help? Our friendly Homework Coaches will provide assistance and guide you through your school assignments.
Kids K through 8: having trouble with that homework? Need a little help? Our friendly Homework Coaches will provide assistance and guide you through your school assignments.
Kids K through 8: having trouble with that homework? Need a little help? Our friendly Homework Coaches will provide assistance and guide you through your school assignments.
History Matters Book Club for Middle Graders
Join our History Matters Book Club for Middle Graders! For 4th-8th graders, this group will meet monthly on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 3:30pm at the La Jolla/Riford Library. In partnership with Mt.
One Book, One San Diego Little Fish Comic Book Studio Workshop
Learn the awesome secrets and tricks for making your own comics, and how to improve your drawing skills, whether you like manga, super-heroes or Dog Man!
Board Game Afternoon and Learn To Play DnD!
Have someone in your family that is curious about DnD? Join us every Thursday at 3:30pm for our weekly board game afternoon and DnD session!
Chess Club
Chess is played by over 600 million people and is the most popular game in the world. We welcome players with all levels of chess experience from beginners to advanced. Recommended for ages 10 and up.
Un grupo de apoyo para cualquier persona que apoye a alguien que vive con pérdida de memoria.
Gratis, 1er y 3er jueves del mes.
En español.
Más información:
Teen IDEA Lab /Laboratorio de Ideas para Adolescentes
The Teen IDEA Lab is a space to be used for creative projects that require specialized equipment and software.
Featuring a music studio, Makerspace, and iMac workstations and so much more!
SD Opera - Discovering Voices: Career Paths in the Arts
FREE and open to all, but great for Grades 9 to 12, College and young Graduates!
Create-it Thursday
Children’s craft every Thursday at 4pm. Join us every week to learn a different medium, how to recycle everyday materials into art, and explore monthly observances and holidays!
*Registration Required.
Arts and Crafts /Artes y Artesanía
Get messy, make mistakes, and prepare to make ART!
Join us every Thursday to get creative!
¡Ensúciate, comete errores y prepárate para hacer ARTE!
Join us every other Thursday for fun sensory play, arts & craft, & fun games. For kids age 3 to 8 years old.
Crochet Club
Join us for an hour of crocheting at the library! You can use our supplies, or bring your own projects. Ask questions, learn the basics, or talk to other crocheters while practicing the craft.
Join us for our first ever session of Duct It, where you create and decorate your own DIY craft using colorful duct tape and sharpies.
For January, we'll be making a simple duct tape pencil pouch. Creativity encouraged!
Downtown Chess @ San Diego Central Library/1st floor Mary Hollis Clark Conference Center
Join us every Thursday from 4:00 - 5:30 pm for Chess in the 1st floor MHC Conference Center off of the main lobby. Downtown Chess meets in the 1st floor MHC Conference Center off of the main lobby of the San Diego Central Library.
Do you love competitive board game classics like Jenga, Dominoes, Uno, Monopoly, or maybe relaxing by working on a jigsaw puzzle? Drop by the Legler Benbough Teen IDEA Lab with your friends and play!
TWEEN PHYSICS CAMP: Interactive Classical Physics
This course is an interactive introduction to classical physics (forces, movement, energy, and more) filled with interactive demonstrations, science experiments, and activities led by student volunteers from Project NexTech.
The Teen Game Room is open! Come check out our Nintendo Switch and PS5. Teens regularly play Smash Bros., Mario Kart, Fortnite, Gang Beasts and more.