Isha Kriya

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Description of Event

This program is neither sponsored nor endorsed by the San Diego Public Library. The Library is not responsible for the information presented in this program. Isha Kriya Meditation for Beginners (Free and open to all) In this one hour session, you will learn Isha Kriya, a simple 12-18 minute practice, to help you to become meditative effortlessly. Attain health, clarity, and joy Isha Kriya does not require any previous experience with meditation and can be done sitting in a chair. Designed by Sadhguru, a realized yogi and a foremost authority in the field of yoga. Sessions will be conducted by a trained instructor, after which going online support will also be available. Ages 12 & up This session is brought to you by Isha Foundation, an international non-profit aimed to bring well-being to everyone through yoga and meditation.