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Registration for this event is no longer open.
Allowed Grades: 3rd Grade to 5th Grade

Program Description

Event Details

 Colorful murals can really brighten public spaces and urban landscapes. Learn how to use math and materials science – plus artistic inspiration – to design and execute large-scale murals.
Students will investigate how various types of paint adhere to different surfaces and will become efficient at calculating the needed materials and costs to complete murals. Then they will work either individually or in groups to create a sample mural. We will discuss how to get permission and permits for final mural placement. Topics will also include funding and grants and how to use technology to enhance designs. Students will discover the value of merging math and science with creativity to produce successful projects.

The San Diego Public Library and UC San Diego Extension are proud to bring all Library NExT programming to you for free, thanks to funding provided by the federal government.  In order to keep these programs free, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant program requires us to collect household income information as part of the registration.  All the information collected is confidential and is only used for tracking to provide funds for this programs.

Look for your confirmation email to notify you of which library you can safely pick up your supply kit from!

All participants are welcome. If you need special accessibility accommodations, please email  in advance of your participation.

If you have comments, questions or grievances about Library NExT, please contact Library NExT Programming at

Use regular email to receive messages!

Registration Policy and Procedures:

  • I understand students should arrive promptly for class and stay for the full duration of the class.
  • I understand this class is part of a partnership with UCSD. These classes differ from our regular programs in that they offer more of a structured, in-depth learning environment.
  • I understand that I will register through the Library Event Calendar and that my registration must be fully complete to attend the class.
  • If there is more than one student in attendance they must register as well. Adults are allowed to attend without registering.
  • I understand that I am responsible for cancelling my registration if I am unable to attend.



Need disability-related modifications or accommodations? Information and program content can be made available in alternative formats upon request by emailing