MTCCA's Got Talent - Annual Recital

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This is not a library sponsored event.

Description of Event

Banding Together’s mission is to bring music opportunities to individuals with special needs in our community. This is accomplished through key objectives that include providing: music therapy scholarships, free Jam Session programs, mentorships, and instruments. We provide 6-month weekly music therapy session scholarships (30 minutes) for individuals with special needs. Music therapy is an allied health profession that targets non-music goals in the areas of speech/language, social skill, sensorimotor and cognition/attention skills.This is our Annual Recital that we provide for our music therapy students to show case their progress and talents. This is the 8th year that we have had our recital at the Library. This program is neither sponsored nor endorsed by the San Diego Public Library. The Library is not responsible for the information presented in this program.