Toxic Free Home & Body: How to use Essential Oils

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This is not a library sponsored event.

Description of Event

The average household has over 62 chemicals and toxins found in their home, usually in household cleaning products and medicine cabinets. These toxic ingredients have been linked to neurotoxicity, thyroid disorders, reproductive disorders, mood instability, and even cancer. So, how do we get toxins out of our lives, keep our homes clean, and help support our bodies during times of illness with healthy alternatives. This event highlights some alternatives to toxic chemicals. We will go over the use of essential oils, where they come from, how to use them, and what some common ones are used for as well as how to practically incorporate them into your life to keep our homes clean and help our bodies function at an optimal level. Questions are welcome! If you RSVP, to, you will receive a free essential oil gift to take home and start using right away! If you bring a friend you will also receive a free product! "This program is neither sponsored nor endorsed by the San Diego Public Library. The library is not responsible for the information presented in this program."