Daytime Book Club

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Program Description

Event Details

The Daytime Book Club meets monthly to discuss a selected title - interesting and fun conversations ensue! New members and guests are always welcome. A limited number of copies of the selected titles are available at the Circulation Desk for checkout.

Titles for future meetings in 2021 will be discussed and chosen on September 24th - come be a part of the title selection process!   Email one or two title suggestions prior to Book Club or you can also bring your suggestions the day of the meeting. When suggesting a title, keep in mind the number of copies available at the library (there should be at least 15 in the library catalog), the number of holds, and the number of pages.

Daytime Book Club meetings are generally held the fourth Friday of each month, but will be rescheduled if the library is closed. 

Participants agree to follow all relevant City of San Diego COVID protocols. 

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