Drop-In Tech Help

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Program Description

Event Details

Do you have basic computer and technology questions? Need help with eBooks, emailing, printing, or basic web searching? Drop in to the Reference Desk Area for help from one of our staff members!

Feel free to bring your own device (tablet, phone, or laptop) or use a library computer. Please note that we may need to assist others who visit during drop in hours.

We can help with:

  • Basic web searching
  • eBooks & eReaders
  • Printing/copying
  • Emailing
  • Saving & attaching files
  • Navigating San Diego Public Library website
  • cloudLibrary, Kanopy, Flipster, and other digital library resources
  • Microsoft Office & Google Suite
  • General computer/technology questions

Please note that we cannot:

  • Repair devices
  • Install hardware, software, or program updates on devices
  • Provide word processing services (e.g., typing letters, preparing/formatting documents)
  • Provide private lessons or accept payment of any kind
  • Recommend products for purchase
  • Provide online shopping services or place online ads
  • Conduct personal research


Need disability-related modifications or accommodations? Information and program content can be made available in alternative formats upon request by emailing RACooper@sandiego.gov.