DYH@L presents STEAMing Through Winter

Primary tabs

Age Group:

Middle School Age
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
This event is part of a series. Visit the first event in the series to register.
Registration is closed because no more seats are available.
Allowed Ages: 9 to 12
Allowed Grades: 4th Grade to 6th Grade

Program Description

Event Details

Join our winter-themed STEAM camp and have fun with activities from designing a penguin sled to making spinning snowman, this winter break promises to be a STEAMingly cool experience!

This 4-day camp will be conducted virtually on Zoom by Challenge Island.  Do Your Homework @ the Library will email you the link, pass code, and instructions by Friday, December 17.

Register by December 13 to have your STEAMing Through Winter kit mailed to you.


Need disability-related modifications or accommodations? Information and program content can be made available in alternative formats upon request by emailing RACooper@sandiego.gov.