Cool Season Vegetable Gardening in San Diego

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Age Group:

Adults, Older Adults

Program Description

Event Details

Grow your own nutritious fruits, vegetables and herbs at home using these simple yet detailed instructions.  Heather will share with you all the necessary inputs to grow an edible garden.  You’ll know which vegetables can be grown in the fall and how to irrigate and harvest your produce.  

Heather Holland has been a UCCE Master Gardener since 2012 and is VP of Public Outreach for Master Gardener Association of San Diego County. She was county Volunteer of the Year in 2020. She encourages Master Gardeners to educate the public in a variety of ways including school, community and demonstration gardens across the county. She gardens on her ¾ acre property in Scripps Ranch and believes everyone should benefit from the effects of gardening. As a gardener she realizes the importance of soil and became a Solana Center Master Composter to give new life to household organic discards. 

The Paradise Gardeners is a 501(c)(3), tax exempt organization that contributes to Southeastern San Diego’s diverse communities in areas of civic engagement, tree planting and other improvements, and educating community members in the disciplines of home gardening.


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