Program Type:
WellnessProgram Description
Event Details
We invite community members to learn about historic oppression and systemic racism and share their lived experiences for personal and community empowerment.
Cambodian American scholar-activist Amira Noeuv, MA will talk about decolonizing mental health by discussing the Cambodian concept of chea: healing that encompasses mind, body, spirit, ancestors, and cultivating relationships with both living and and non-living beings. Focusing on how we can consider wellness through food and the knowledge that our communities already have, we will create an identity menus. Please join us in an interactive discussion on healing as a collective journey and social responsibility.
About the Presenter
Amira Noeuv is a Cambodian American scholar-activist, daughter, and mom. She is a PhD candidate in ethnic studies at UC San Diego whose research and community work focus on Cambodian transgenerational trauma healing.