How to Work a Computer: Video Calls

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Program Description

Event Details

Are you looking to learn some computer skills?  These sessions—with instruction, hands-on opportunities, and plenty of time for questions and answers—are just for you!  First hour: Hands-on basic technical exercises and Q&A; Hour 2: Class discussion on monthly topic; and Q&A for basic tech questions in the final hour. 


Video Calls

1/2 Intro to Video Calls 

1/9 Join and Schedule a Zoom Call 

1/16 FaceTime and Google Meets 

1/23 Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp

1/30 Open Office Hours 


Presented by the San Diego Futures Foundation in conjunction with SD Access 4 All.

For even more learning opportunities, see this month's calendar in the attachments area to the right or visit the SD Access 4 All webpage.


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