Kids Introduction to Robotics

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Program Type:

Featured, Science/STEAM
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Registration for this event is no longer open.
Allowed Grades: 4th Grade to 6th Grade

Program Description

Event Details

Are you interested in learning about robotics? Join us for a two-part introductory program!

Bruce McCoy, a retired engineer, will introduce kids to robotics. During this session participants will learn about some of the history of robotics, how robots are related to human functions, and how technology has progressed over time. 

A demonstration of how to control a robot using block coding will follow the presentation.


Open to grades 4-6. Registration required. 

Students who register for this event, will automatically be enrolled in part two of the program the following Wednesday on May 15th.


Registrants, please note your spot is only held until 4:10 PM. If you arrive more than 10 minutes late, your spot may be given away.

Program dates and times are subject to change.


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