Literature Comes to Life: Swimmy

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Program Type:

Summer Reading Program
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Program Description

Event Details

Deep in the sea there lives a happy school of little fish. Their watery world is full of wonders, but there is also danger, and the little fish are afraid to come out of hiding . . . until Swimmy comes along. Swimmy shows his friends how—with ingenuity and teamwork—they can overcome any danger.


Children will become the storybook characters and participate in bringing the story to life!

A unique storytime experience that fosters engagement, collaboration, and hands-on participation!

Recommended for children ages 3-12 and their families.


Join the Summer Reading Program! Complete a combination of 10 books, hours of reading or activities to claim your prizes. Sign-up begins June 1st and the program will last through August 31st. Register for the Summer Reading Program


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