Parenting Classes: Steps to Understanding Your Child's Behavior

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Program Description

Event Details

Join us for a series of free parenting classes! Steps to Understanding Your Child's Behavior is a series of classs that offers helpfull tools and strategies for parents of children 0-5. The series has 10 classes that will focus on children's bahavior and how children develop socially and emotionally. Topics include temperament, attachment, positive behaviors, self-esteem, communication and discipline techniques.

Here are the 10 workshops that we'll offer during the series, which will meet every Thursday for ten weeks, starting on February 7th, 2019.

Februrary 7th, 2019
Workshop #1
: Understanding Development & Temperament

Feburary 14th, 2019
Workshop #2:
Developing Body Control and a Positive Body Image

February 21st, 2019
Workshop #3:
Developing a Secure Attachment

February 28th, 2019
Workshop #4
: Encourage Play and Immagination

March 7th, 2019
Workshop #5:
Encouraging Language and Communication

March 14th, 2019
Workshop #6:
Laying a Foundation for Positive Self-esteem

March 21st, 2019
Workshop #7:
Encouraging SElf-regulation, Morality, and Sense of Conscience

March 28th, 2019
Workshop #8:
Encouraging Emotion Regulation

April 4th, 2019
Workshop #9:
Encouraging Concentration, Planning, and Problem Solving

April 11th, 2019
Workshop #10:
Encouraging Social Competence, Empathy, and Caring Behavior


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