Picture This - El Laberinto del Fauno (Pan's Labyrinth)

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Program Description

Event Details

El Laberinto del Fauno Pan's Labyrinth


In this fairy tale, a small family in Spain moves into an old house in 1943 after the rise of Fascism. Their eldest daughter, at age 12, falls in love with a fawn that lives in the old ruined labyrinth behind their decrepit home.


En este cuento de hadas, una pequeña familia en España se muda a una vieja casa en 1943 después del ascenso del fascismo. Su hija mayor, a los 12 años, se enamora de un cervatillo que vive en el viejo laberinto en ruinas detrás de su decrépita casa.


| R | 112 minutes | 2006 | Warner Bros. | Directed by Guillermo del Toro |

| Starring: Ivana Baguero, Sergi López, Maribel Verdu, Alex Angulo. & Doug Jones |

Picture This features free film screenings every Monday at 6:30 PM in the Central Library's Neil Morgan Auditorium. Check back here, on the library calendar, for the most up-to-date lineup of films.


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