RB Kids Book Club

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Allowed Grades: 3rd Grade to 5th Grade

Program Description

Event Details

What’s almost as much fun as reading a great book? Talking about a great book! Join us for a monthly Zoom session where we’ll discuss the book choice for the month and do a related craft together. Copies of the book for checkout and craft kits will be available before the meeting. Please pick up your kits at least one day before the meeting. RAGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. 

This month's selection -- the 2021 One Book, One San Diego choice for teens and tweens , When Stars Are Scattered by Victoria Jamieson & Omar Mohamed

From the publisher:

"A National Book Award Finalist, this remarkable graphic novel is about growing up in a refugee camp, as told by a former Somali refugee to the Newbery Honor-winning creator of Roller Girl.

Omar and his younger brother, Hassan, have spent most of their lives in Dadaab, a refugee camp in Kenya. Life is hard there: never enough food, achingly dull, and without access to the medical care Omar knows his nonverbal brother needs. So when Omar has the opportunity to go to school, he knows it might be a chance to change their future . . . but it would also mean leaving his brother, the only family member he has left, every day.

Heartbreak, hope, and gentle humor exist together in this graphic novel about a childhood spent waiting, and a young man who is able to create a sense of family and home in the most difficult of settings. It's an intimate, important, unforgettable look at the day-to-day life of a refugee, as told to New York Times Bestselling author/artist Victoria Jamieson by Omar Mohamed, the Somali man who lived the story."


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