Skyline Hills STEAM: Pool Noodle Finger Rocket

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Program Description

Event Details

**Our registration is full and we can no longer accommodate any more registrants. Please check out the SDPL Virtual Branch calendar for future virtual programs:**

Topic: Skyline Hills STEAM: Pool Noodle Finger Rocket
Time: Sep 15, 2021 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 160 899 2680
Passcode: 3i9jnA

Every third Wednesday at 4 p.m., Skyline Hills Library hosts a STEAM program with a free kit provided with registration. Join us for a fun program where we show you how to make a pool noodle finger rocket.

The day before the program, a Zoom link will be sent to the email provided at registration.

When registering, please specify your closest San Diego Public Library branch for pick-up.


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